The first round of European House Parliaments concludes on October 30, 2018. The Academy for Learning Democracy, alongside Pulse of Europe, was involved in the project as a partner and idea generator. Over 200 House Parliaments took place in Germany between July and the end of September, with approximately 1000 participants. In the discussion sessions, diverse opinions on EU foreign policy were formed and voted upon.
Following the fantastic efforts of many hosts and participants, it's now the politicians' turn on October 30th. Our contact person and patron, Michael Roth, will address the House Parliaments, engage in discussions with the participants, and explain how he can incorporate the results into European politics. Even those who haven't organized a House Parliament are warmly invited to this discussion event.
The entrance at the European House in Berlin, Unter den Linden 78, starts at 6:00 PM with a small reception. The discussion with Mr. Roth begins promptly at 7:00 PM.
There are only a few tickets left. Registration is possible until October 25th. Bring your ID and reserve your tickets now!
More information about the House Parliaments is available here.