We collaborate with various partners in different fields to advance our vision of the learning democracy and the various projects of the academy.
Further partners and interested parties are very welcome. If you are interested, please get in touch. here.
Democracy International
Since 2016, the project began to take on more concrete forms under the organizational and legal framework of Democracy International.
Procedere Verbund
The Procedere Network for Procedural Practice in Politics, Economy, and Society – which has been dedicated to research and development of procedural practice since 2003 – ceased its independent work in early 2022 and merged with the Academy for Learning Democracy.
Weltethos Institut
Since 2017, the Weltethos Institut at the University of Tübingen has been actively involved as a key partner for collaborations in the field of teaching and research.
Since 1997, the ReformAgentur, under the leadership of Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann, has been supporting its clients through procedural consulting, project development, organizational development, and democracy development.
School of Participation
The School of Participation dreams of a society in which more people participate. And we need this participation to solve the major challenges of our time together, be it in politics, but also in the economy and civil society.
European House Parliaments
Pulse of Europe is one of our important partners in the field of practical development and testing of democratic innovations.
Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung
With the vhw, we explore the field of public personnel development and develop from it the educational format of a StadtMacherAkademie to strengthen civil society intermediaries of an urban society.
World Citizen School
The World Citizen School is an educational innovation at the Weltethos-Institut.
CVJM Hochschule
The carrier of the CVJM-Hochschule in Kassel is the Christian Association of Young People.
Evangelische Akademie Loccum
Die Evangelische Akademie Loccum ist ein Ort des Dialogs und der Bildung, der sich der Förderung von Demokratie, Frieden und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt verschrieben hat. Gegründet 1946, bietet sie eine Plattform für kritische Auseinandersetzungen zu aktuellen Themen aus Politik, Religion, Kultur und Gesellschaft.
Open Petition
OpenPetition ist eine politisch neutrale, gemeinnützige Plattform, die seit 2010 politische Beteiligung und digitale Demokratie fördert.