Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann

Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann is the initiator and director of the Akademie lernende Demokratie. His goal is to empower democracy developers so that our democracies can learn faster than problems arise.

Dr. Raban Daniel Fuhrmann (1964) has been dedicated to political process research and process consulting since completing his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.). Growing up in Latin America, he is the owner of the ReformAgentur and coordinator of the R&D network Procedere, residing with his family near Lake Constance. Drawing from his extensive international and transdisciplinary expertise gained from guiding reform processes in politics, economy, and civil society, as well as his research and teaching at institutions such as the Technical University of Berlin and the University of Tübingen, he incorporates these into the establishment of the Learning Democracy Academy. As an independent process and democracy developer, he designs and pilots participatory solutions for complex organizational and political issues. He is also involved in the development of innovative programs for the professionalization of democracy development, such as the vhw Stadtmacher Akademie or the Intersectoral School of Governance at the DHBW. ReformAgentur und Koordinator des F+E Verbundes Procedere und wohnt mit seiner Familie am Bodensee. Seine breite, internationale und transdisziplinäre Expertise aus dem Begleiten von Reformprozessen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft und seiner Forschung und Lehre u.a. an der Technischen Universität Berlin und Universität Tübingen, lässt er in den Aufbau der Akademie Lernende Demokratie einfließen.  Als selbstständiger Verfahrens- und Demokratieentwickler designt und pilotiert er partizipative Lösungen für komplexe organisatorische und politische Probleme. Er ist außerem involviert in die Entwicklung neuartiger Programme zur Professionalisierung von Demokratieentwicklung, wie z.B. der vhw Stadtmacher Akademie oder der Intersectoral School of Gover-nance der DHBW.

In addition to his work at the ReformAgentur and Procedere, as the director of the Akademie, he is responsible for its content orientation and overall development. 

Email: fuhrmann@democracy-international.org

Tel.: +49 179 4688456